Required Signs - State Liquor Licensed Establishments

Need a Sign? — just click and print!

Tobacco Warning SignNo MinorsFirearms Prohibited SignFetal Alcohol Syndrome SignRequired Age for Alcohol SignRequired Age for Tobacco Sign

When a student takes their MAST Training course to receive their Washington State Alcohol Server Permit they are educated about the "Required Signage" for liquor licensed establishments. Based on the license type, liquor licensed establishments are required to post a number of signs at their business. WSLCB enforcement officers and local law enforcement will look for these signs when visiting your business to ensure you are complying with liquor and tobacco laws. Licensing fees cover the cost of these signs so they are free to the establishment whenever they need new signs.

To order signs for your business you must contact the WSLCB Enforcement Office Customer Service:

Some of the Washington State "Required Signs" are listed below. You may also view the signage page on the
Washington State Liquor Cannabis Board (WSLCB) web site.

Washington State "Required Signs"

Tobacco Warning Sign
Sign - Tobacco

View full-screen sample sign. (80KB)

The TOBACCO WARNING SIGN on all cigarette vending machines and at each location (check stand or cash register area) where tobacco products are sold.

Minor Posting Signs
Sign - No Minors

View full-screen sample sign. (96KB)

MINOR POSTING SIGNS at the entrance to each tavern and/or cocktail lounge.

Firearms Prohibited
Sign - Firearms Prohibited

View full-screen sample sign. (68KB)

FIREARMS PROHIBITED sign in each tavern and cocktail lounge.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Sign - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

View full-screen sample sign. (31KB)

FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME (FAS) warning sign in womens restroom and clearly visible at the entrance to stores, restaurants, taverns and lounge/bar areas.

You may also be interested in "Year to Date" signs

"Year to Date" Alcohol
To purchase Alcohol a person must be 21 years of age, born on or before today's date in 2002

"Year to Date" Tobacco
To purchase Tobacco a person must be 18 years of age, born on or before today's date in 2002

These signs help liquor licensed businesses determine if a customer is of legal age to purchase alcohol or tobacco.
(Updated annually)